Make it Colourful
From mundane to magical
Use your creativity to turn mundane, everyday activities into cherished memories. Looking back it is often the small things in life that become the big things. Let us help you make every day colourful, meaningful and magical.

Humidity control for longer freshness in taste and texture.

Once only used for storing jams and pickles, mason jars have recently found a whole new purpose. As a stylish and adult version of a lunchbox. Practical and beautiful - they are easier to clean than plastic containers, better for the environment and very convenient to store in both your bag and your fridge. Thanks to their timeless looks they make even the simplest salad look like a work of art.
Taste the unexpected
Be careful of what you throw away when cooking. What some might consider waste can be the source of amazing taste. Try to use all parts of your ingredients and be a zero-waste cook. Not only is it environmentally friendly, it makes for unexpected and exciting dishes you can share.
1Potato skin crisps
Potato skins are often discarded when preparing potatoes. Instead, roast them in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and pinch of salt. Treat your guests to a delicious, crispy pre-dinner snack.
2Beetroot leaf pesto
Beetroot leaves are very nutritious, being a great source of both Vitamin A and K. Give them a quick blanche and then mix with basil, a garlic clove, pine nuts, olive oil and a pinch of salt to make a mild and delicious pesto.
3Broccoli stem salad
Save your stems! Far from the lesser half of broccoli, the stems are just as nutritious as the florets. Slice the stalks thin with a sharp vegetable peeler and toss with your favourite salad ingredients.