Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate mousse with a twist
Try Lara’s rich, delicious chocolate mousse. Instead of using eggs this innovative mousse is based on a whisking chickpea water and using coconut nectar.

1 can of chickpeas (you will only need the liquid which is about 1 cup)
1 Cup (120gr) roughly chopped dark chocolate
2 tbsp coconut nectar (you can substitute with maple syrup or agave syrup)
½ tsp vanilla extract

Step 1
Melt chocolate in a pot directly on induction hob using low heat, or in a bowl placed over a pan of simmering water. Add ½ tsp of vanilla extract and coconut nectar. Let the chocolate cool down while you prepare the next step.

Step 2
Mix the chickpea liquid with an electric whisk (or blender)* – whisk until peaks form and you have a fluffy, white consistency. Gently fold in the chocolate with a spatula, and very slightly stir it.
*Make sure you use soap and oil-free whisk, bowls and cutlery.

Step 3
Pour into bowls and place in the fridge. The mousse is ready to eat within 30 minutes.

Meet Lara Zaugg
As a full blown chocoholic and connoisseur, Lara Zuagg loves creating new desserts by experimenting in the kitchen. She shares her passion and creations on her popular blog Vanillacrunnch. With a clear focus on health her recipes are often gluten-free or vegan. Chocolate is a cornerstone in her baked and raw desserts where she often substitutes other conventional ingredients for healthier alternatives. We asked Lara to share three of her favourite recipes.